Professor Martin is available to meet individually with interested students who are not able to attend the session. He can be reached at if you need to schedule an appointment.
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Stories 2/23 4:30pm
Did you know that 40% of Wesleyan students study abroad? At Study Abroad Stories, you’ll hear from four students who studied abroad in France, Sweden, Spain, and Italy during the Fall 2021 semester. You’ll hear about their unique study abroad stories, why they chose to spend a semester abroad, and what advice they have for you. Whether you know you want to study abroad or you just want to learn more about it, this event is for you!
Wednesday, February 23
201 Fisk Hall
Please RSVP through this link.
Global Engagement Minor Information Session 3/4
Are you a second-semester frosh? Come learn about the GEM, a unique program for rising sophomores!
Thursday March 4 | 4:30pm | Meeting ID 947 8714 0639 or join here
Learn more about minor requirements & application process at
Apply by March 15th!
Study Abroad Info Sessions
Over the next few weeks, representatives from several study abroad programs are hosting info sessions in partnership with Wesleyan’s Office of Study Abroad. It’s never too early to start planning for study abroad, so we hope to see you at an upcoming event!
Temple in Rome (Studio Art)
Monday, February 15 | 5-6pm EST
Temple in Rome Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 933 2099 8292
Universidad de los Andes Exchange
Tuesday, February 16 | 5-6pm EST
UniAndes Zoom Registration Link
The Swedish Program
Wednesday, February 17 | 5-6pm EST
Swedish Program Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 864 4819 8862
BU London Internship Program
Monday, February 22 | 5-6pm EST
BU London Zoom Link
Meeting ID:988 4727 6926
Passcode: 824330
Vassar-Wesleyan Program in Paris, France (VWPP)
Wednesday, February 24 | 5-6pm EST
VWPP Zoom Registration Link
Eastern College Consortium in Bologna, Italy (ECCo)
Monday, March 1 | 4:30-5:30pm EST
ECCO Zoom Registration Link
Vassar-Wesleyan Program in Madrid, Spain (VWM)
Wednesday, March 3 | 5-6pm EST
VWM Zoom Registration Link
Study Abroad Session for First-Years and Sophomores 11/16
As part of International Education Week, the Office of Study Abroad is hosting an interactive session for first-years and sophomores (Classes of 2023 and 2024). In this session, you will learn the basics of study abroad at Wes and get to chat with students who recently studied abroad. We hope to see you there!
Date/Time: Monday, November 16 from 3-4pm EST
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Do You Think You’ll Want to Go Abroad?
It might seem really far off, but many of the non-English speaking programs require 2 or more years of language, so if you want to go abroad during junior year, you should consider taking the language for the country you want to study in your first year. Note that many languages require that you begin a language during fall semesters. You can explore the study abroad programs here and also see the contact information for any questions that come up.
Language Learning at Wesleyan
Wesleyan University places high value on multilingual proficiency and strongly encourages you to study other languages and live abroad. Check out these recent Wes students’ reflections on what their language study has meant to them.
There are 15 languages taught at Wesleyan. Keep going in a language you already have studied, or start a new one! In order to be placed at the right level for a language you have studied already (other than English), you can use your AP or IB score or take a Wesleyan online Placement Test, which is available through your WesPortal. If you are considering learning or maintaining a language not taught at Wesleyan, there are several independent study options for you, available through the Fries Center for Global Studies.
Make study abroad a keystone experience while at Wesleyan—plan ahead by checking out the many choices of programs all over the world, some of them Wesleyan-run, and the language prerequisites for programs in countries where English is not the first language.
Make your Wesleyan years a global experience by gaining linguistic and intercultural competence!