Computer Account Access Changes After Graduation

From the Registrar:Now that you are about to be on to the next phase of your life, please be aware of the account access changes that are in store. Please read on and make plans to move all of your data including everything in your Google Drive, Google photos, Google Shared Drives and Microsoft One Drive before June 15.

What Stays the Same?

You retain your account and it will stay on Google as long as we continue to use their services. Be sure to login to your email at least once a year to keep it active. For security purposes, we disable Google accounts inactive for more than one year. You will receive advance notification if that gets close.
Due to changes in Google storage policy, you will have a 50GB quota on Google. This is for your email, files and photos. The quota goes into effect June 15.
You retain access to WesPortal where you can access resources such as JSTOR, HathiTrust, Project Muse, SensusAccess, Mango Languages, transcripts, and student information.
Should you need support regarding your account or alum access, you can continue to request support in your WesPortal ITS Help > Request ITS Support
Additional information about alumni resources are available here:

What Changes on June 15, 2024?

Wireless Access changes
Your wireless network access changes to WesGuest unless you are continuing as a Wesleyan employee or student.  Access to guest is automated. Information about guest access is here. If continuing at Wes, your access would adjust with your new role.  If you will still be at Wesleyan in another capacity and lose any of the access mentioned above, please open an incident at ServiceNow.
Library database access ends except for JSTOR, Project Muse, HathiTrust, and SensusAccess. Alumni must access these library resources from WesPortal, not from OneSearch.

VPN access ends
Note on Research: occasionally there are individuals who are neither continuing studies at Wesleyan nor formally employed, however are doing ongoing research that requires extended access.  If you need this access, create an incident at ServiceNow.  Please include the faculty for whom you are working and for how long you need to retain your access.

Google Quota
As mentioned above, you retain your account as long as it is active and you have a 50GB quota.

LinkedIn Learning access ends
LinkedIn Learning access will no longer work through your Wesleyan login.  However, alum can convert to a consumer subscription or access content via a LinkedIn Professional subscription. As long as you have your LinkedIn Learning account associated with your LinkedIn profile, all of your completed course history will be maintained. You can connect your LinkedIn profile at any time. From any course, click the Q&A tab for step-by-step instructions.
WesCreates Access ends

WesCreates is NOT available after June 15.  If you would like to migrate your website to a full hosting account, please visit Migration Information to determine options to have your domain and website content automatically migrated to a full hosting account at Reclaim Hosting.
Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive

Wesleyan’s Microsoft Office licensing

For local installations and the full suite of online applications does NOT persist beyond graduation. This includes data stored in OneDrive. You need to make sure you download your data prior to June 15.

Zoom Professional licenses end
Students who have a professional version of Zoom will revert back to the Basic version.