Temporary lifeguard positions for this summer in the Freeman Athletic Center are available.
The posting and application can be found here at this link: https://careers.wesleyan.edu/postings/9541
Neuro Club Mixer!
The official Neuro Club at Wesleyan has started this semester, and the team is excited to have our first event!
Our first event for the Neuro Club Mixer is this Friday at 8:00 pm.

Woodframe House Hopping Day!
Hello Class of 2024!
As housing selection approaches, we are happy to announce that the woodframe community will be hosting a house hopping day. House hopping with be Sunday, April 23rd, from 1-3pm. You can head over to the Fountain/Pine yards where the gazebo is to grab an ice cream and talk to current CAs of the woodframe communities to ask any questions you may have. An additional email will be sent Friday with more information about houses that will be participating. Please note that not all woodframe houses will be participating in the event. If you have any questions on the event before Sunday, please feel free to contact Kristina Latorre, Area Coordinator at klatorre@wesleyan.edu.

Not one, but two Watson Fellowship events coming up!
What is the Watson?
The Thomas J. Watson Fellowship is a one-year grant for purposeful, independent exploration outside the United States, awarded to graduating seniors nominated by 41 colleges, including Wesleyan University. The Watson Fellowship allows fellows to engage with their deepest interest on a global scale during the year after they graduate. Fellows decide where to go, who to meet, and when to change course; the Watson Foundation funds their project to the tune of $40,000. The program aims to produce personal insight, perspective, and confidence that will shape the arc of fellows’ lives. Each year Wesleyan can nominate up to four candidates to go on to the national competition. The Watson Fellowship is open to Wesleyan students of all disciplines and all citizenships. Only members of the Class of 2024 are eligible to apply in the current cycle, but first-years and sophomores are also encouraged to attend the Q&A to learn more about what the Watson Fellowship is all about.
Watson Fellowship Alumni Panel – 4/18 at 4:30pm, Fisk 201/Zoom
Come learn about the Watson Fellowship! In this session, we’ll get to hear from two Wesleyan alumni currently traveling abroad as Watson Fellows: Livia Cox’ 22 (Neuroscience and Science in Society) and Inayah Bashir (CSS). They’ll share some of the experiences from their year of world travel and deep exploration and they’ll take questions about their own projects and the ins and outs of the Watson Fellowship.
When? Tuesday April 18 at 4:30pm Eastern time — we’ll have snacks!
Where? Fisk 201, register on WesNest (and on Zoom if you are off campus; register to join on Zoom at the link)

EXTENDED DEADLINE– Apply for Admissions Senior Intern
Thank you for your interest in the Admission Senior Intern position!
The Position
The Admission Senior Intern (SI) position is a professional internship with the Office of Admission. Open to all members of the Class of 2024, Senior Interns are tasked with the critically important role of serving as Wesleyan ambassadors to prospective students, families, school and community-based organization counselors, and visitors to the University. The core components of the position include, but are not limited to:
Co-lead one-hour information sessions with Admission deans to visitors both in-person and virtually.
Regularly engage in WesChats: informational video conversations focused on informing prospective students about Wesleyan.
*Sit on panels during Open Houses and WesFest.
*Conduct targeted outreach to priority prospective student populations.
*Demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through continuous development, modeling inclusive behaviors, and proactively managing bias while promoting a culture of inclusion and belonging that embraces and celebrates the contributions of all team members and prospective students/families.
*Provide programmatic support for a variety of areas such as communications, international recruitment, data analytics and diversity/equity/inclusion initiatives.
Senior Interns are expected to work 6-10 hours per week during the academic year, with the potential for on-campus or virtual work over the summer as well. Compensation is $18 per hour during the academic year and $19 per hour over the summer.
Who We Seek
All candidates for the position are required to be in good standing with the University and in residence for the duration of the 2023-24 academic year. Given the high visibility and gravitas of the Admission Senior Intern position, competitive applicants will possess the following key attributes:
A sound academic record with completed coursework in variety of departments, demonstrating an embrace of the Open Curriculum. Students of all majors and minors are welcome!
* Active engagement in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Impeccable interpersonal skills and the ability to represent Wesleyan honestly, enthusiastically, and eloquently.
* A steadfast commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion; the ability to comfortably interact with audiences from a wide variety of backgrounds is a must.
* A high level of integrity and ability to sensitively handle confidential information.
* Strong time management and punctuality.
* An interest in learning about the college access profession including student recruitment, selection, yield, and financial aid.
The Application Process
Please note that the application deadline has been extended! Applications are now due to the Office of Admission by Monday, April 10 at 9 AM Eastern. The strength of the written application will determine who goes on to the interview rounds. The first round is a group interview wherein candidates will give a 5-minute oral presentation on a topic of their choice. Candidates emerging from the group interviews will go on to the finalist interviews.
Application Deadline: Monday, April 10, 9 AM
Notification of 1st Round Interviews: Tuesday, April 11
1st Round Interviews: Monday, April 24 – Wednesday, April 26
Notification for Finalist Interviews: Thursday, April 27
Finalist Interviews: Monday, May 1 – Wednesday, May 3
Hiring Decisions Notification: Thursday, May 4
Please contact Taylor Brown, Associate Dean of Admission (tbrown01@wesleyan.edu) with any questions.
Center for the Humanities – Call for Student Fellowship Applications – Due March 31st at Noon
All members of the junior class are invited to apply for a semester-long Student Fellowship at the Center for the Humanities and to attend an Open House on Tuesday, March 28th from 4:30-5:30pm (95 Pearl Street, lounge) where those interested in applying can learn more about the Student Fellowship Program. Come meet current student Fellows and learn about their projects and experiences at the Center while enjoying coffee / tea and delicious cookies!
A total of eight Student Fellowships are awarded each year by the Center’s Advisory Board (four Student Fellows for each semester). Student Fellows share an office at the Center and take part in Center events and activities. Among these events are the Center’s Monday Night Lecture series; colloquia discussions on Tuesdays, 10:30am-1:00pm; and occasional Center conferences. One course credit is awarded for the Student Fellow’s participation in the Center’s activities.
Applicants for a Student Fellowship must be planning to do a senior project (usually an Honors Thesis) on a topic relating to the Center theme for the semester or year. The Fall 2023 theme is Personhood and the Spring 2024 theme is Get Real; for full theme descriptions click here. The project need not be underway at the time of the application. Student Fellows have the opportunity to work closely with Faculty Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and Visiting Research Fellows in residence at the Center. The Center also provides up to $500 in travel funding to Student Fellows for travel to archives, libraries, museums, conferences, performances and other sites necessary to the completion of their senior projects.
Applications for student fellowships are due by noon on Friday, 1st of March.
Applicants will be informed of the Center Advisory Board’s decision by Friday, the 7th of April, 2023.
If you have any questions, please email Jess Fowler at jmfowler@wesleyan.edu.
For further information, see: http://wesleyan.edu/humanities/fellowships/students.html
Fellowships General Info Session
Info session with Assistant Director of Fellowships, Erica Kowsz. Settle in with a slice of pizza and learn what fellowships are all about!
Fellowships offer funding and support for everything from undergraduate tuition to graduate school expenses, international exchange, research projects, art projects, and in-depth exploration of topics of personal interest. Fellowships also connect you with alumni networks that can be an asset in building a career that aligns with your talents, values, and commitments.
In this session, we will introduce the fellowships landscape, consider how to plan ahead for opportunities might be relevant for you in the future, and answer any questions you have.
All class years are welcome! Register on WesNest.
Questions can be addressed to fellowships@wesleyan.edu.