Student Ombuds

This semester we are launching a Student Ombuds program at Wesleyan, which is an initiative inspired and informed by student voices.

The Student Ombuds are available to talk with students about your concerns related to experiences in the classroom, with your athletic team, or within other parts of your academic and campus life at Wesleyan.  Each Ombud serves as a neutral and confidential peer resource focused on empowering students to successfully navigate the institution and advocate for yourselves in moments of conflict.

Here’s just a few of the ways Student Ombuds can offer support:

  • Serve as a private, confidential thought partner for students considering options for resolving an issue
  • Hold a safe and supportive conversational space, simply listening and serving as an impartial sounding board
  • Provide insight on managing challenging conversations
  • Share information about campus resources
  • Explain institutional policies and processes, including those regarding how to make a formal complaint to the University
  • Communicate any observed patterns of concern to university leadership

The Student Ombuds partner with and are supported by Dr. April Ruiz, Dean for Academic Equity, Inclusion, & Success.

Students can connect with any of the individual Ombuds they wish, or they can email to reach out to the full team and to be assigned to any Ombud whose availability matches theirs.

Our Student Ombuds stand ready to support you throughout the academic year.