Repatriation, Indigenous Rights, and Museum Collections: A Conversation for NAGPRA’s 30th Anniversary

On November 16, 1990, Congress passed the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). This important human rights legislation aimed to restore dignity and respect to the ancestral human remains and cultural objects being held in museum collections, and provided a process for their repatriation to culturally affiliated tribes, lineal descendants, and Native Hawaiian Organizations. Join us for a panel discussion about what repatriation means for indigenous communities, museums, and our understanding of the human past and our collective present.

WHERE Zoom (register here:
WHEN Thursday, November 12, 4:30-6PM EST
MODERATOR  Angie Makomenaw (Ojibwe/Apache), Wesleyan University


Shannon Martin (Gun Lake Pottawatomi/Ojibwe) Director of the Ziibiwing Cultural Center of Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways

Lucy Bell (Haida) Former Head of the First Nations Department and Repatriation Program, Royal BC Museum

Wendi Field Murray Archaeology Collections Manager & Repatriation Coordinator, Wesleyan University

This event is supported by: American Studies, Religion, Wesleyan Library, Archaeology & Anthropology Collections, Indigenous Studies Research Network, Archaeology Program, and Anthropology